Are you suffering from a frozen shoulder due to an injury, a broken arm / humerous or sports injury - and you're still in pain? Physical therapy may help, but the process can be slow -and painful. Cortisone shots can also be offered, yet many times they are a temporary solution for long lasting pain relief.
Holistic therapies have been very effective to help someone recover when traditional medicine hasn't.
Your body is the ultimate healing machine; it knows what to do in order to recover. Yet, when someone doesn't heal, there usually is something else going on that doctors typically never look at. And that is the mind body connection. It is Not what some doctors say when they can't find the cause and tell their patient "it's all in your head."
Here are some emotional "mind" things to consider, that may have kept your healing at bay.
Frozen shoulder may be the result of a fear of being out of control. You may feel a great deal of regret over bad decisions that influenced the quality of life for you and your family. This may have included the loss of a job, a failed marriage or missed opportunities. You may also be going through a phase where you don’t feel as empowered, powerful, respected or admired anymore. This could be related to menopause, mid- life crisis, change of jobs or a failed marriage. You may feel stuck between two romantic partners or have a desire to be with someone else. However, due to obligations to the family, you stick around. The key here is to find what out happened when the frozen shoulder started. What emotions were present and how did those emotions make you feel?